2023-2024 Sacramental Preparation Registration
For Catholic School Attendees
Saint John Paul II Parish - Faith Formation Ministry - 2052 Lakeview Road, Lake View NY 14085 - 716.627.9397
At Saint John Paul II Parish, children typically prepare to receive the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (Confession) for the first time during the 2nd Grade year, and for the Sacrament of the Eucharist (First Holy Communion) during the 3rd Grade year. Children that are enrolled in our Faith Formation program will be automatically enrolled, but for those who are enrolled in Catholic School, PLEASE BE ADVISED: PREPARATION CLASSES FOR THE SACRAMENTS DO NOT TAKE PLACE IN THE SCHOOL SETTING, BUT THROUGH THE PARISH. Per the Sacramental Directives of the Diocese of Buffalo, all children of the parish- regardless of the school they attend- prepare together to receive the sacraments. For this reason, we are advising you to contact the Religious Education/Faith Formation Office of your home parish now to register your child for sacramental preparation.