Altar & Rosary Society – A group of parishioners who provide clothes, linens, and vestments used at the Mass. We have fundraisers to help purchase various needs of the parish.
Altar Servers - Perform supporting tasks at the altar during Mass.
Bedside Mercy Ministry: Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the bedside of the sick.
Bereavement - Assist in funeral planning with bereaved families, attend the funeral, and participate in annual Mass of Remembrance.
Boy Scout Ministry, Troop 591 -Serve others; help to instill values based on the Scout Oath and Law in young men ages 11-18, and prepare them to make ethical choices to achieve their full potential.
Building and Grounds - Periodically work on maintenance of grass, flowers & shrubs surrounding church & shrine.
Coffee & Donuts Social - Promote fellowship by setting up for Coffee & Donuts social on Sunday mornings on a rotating schedule; includes picking up donuts at Tops, setup & cleanup.
Cub Scout Ministry, Troop 591 - It is the mission of the Cub Scouts through Boy Scouts of America to serve others by helping to instill values in boys and girls ages 5-10, and to prepare them to make ethical choices during their lifetime in achieving their full potential. The values we strive to instill are based on those found in the Scout Oath and Law.
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy - Cenacle meetings 2x’s per month to read scripture, the Catechism, SJPII’s Encyclical “Rich in Mercy”, the Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, and to pray.
Eucharistic Ministers - Serve as Ministers of Holy Communion at Masses on a regular schedule.
Evangelization Committee - Plan and sponsor activities to welcome new families & reach out to the unchurched and to non-practicing Catholics.
Faith Formation – Serve as a catechist in our weekly Faith Formation program for Kindergarten-Grade 5 (Sunday AM), Grade 6-8 (Tuesday PM), or Grade 9-10 (Sunday PM). Be instrumental in helping our children and teens to grow in faith and knowledge of our Church’s teaching and tradition, and to prepare for the sacraments. Come and help us make disciples!
Greeters - Greet & welcome before Masses.
Haiti Outreach Ministry - Members hold a basket before Masses the 1st weekend of every month, on a rotating basis, to receive donations to be sent to our sister parish in Marbial, Haiti.
Healing Hearts Ministry - Host a Friendship Coffee Hour last Wednesday of each month for anyone who has suffered a loss in their life.
Heart To Heart Ministry - Meet 1st Saturday of the month to crochet and knit shawls and lap blankets for parishioners in need of our prayers.
Holy Name Society - Confraternity for lay men, religious and clergy. Promotes devotion and reverence to the Holy Name of God and Jesus to help members grow in holiness, faith and spirituality, and to obtain personal salvation.
Ladies of Charity - Meet once a month to make quilts and lap-robes. Also, collect household items to assist the ministry of Diocesan Ladies of Charity.
Lawn Fete - Help plan and implement the various facets of the Annual Lawn Fete.
Lectors - Serve as Minister of the Word at Mass on a regular schedule.
Little Flower Ministry – Prepare floral arrangements to be delivered to the sick and homebound.
Men’s Prayer Group: Meets one Saturday morning per month for men to gather and pray together
Mission - A week-long Lenten Parish Retreat open to all. Mission is planned and conducted by those who have already made Mission.
Music Ministry - Rehearse and sing/play music for all weekend liturgies: Adult Ensemble, Cantors, and Instrumentalists.
Outreach Ministry: Donate time & talents in your area of expertise (e.g. legal, financial, social work) to assist families in need.
Parish Neighbors - Provide food and / or serve at Funeral Breakfasts.
Parish Vegetable Garden - Plant, maintain and harvest produce, which is donated to the local food pantry (OGN) to be given to our neighbors in need.
Prayer Groups - Small group of neighbors who gather together at a convenient time to pray.
Pre-Baptism Classes - Prepare parents for the baptism of their infant.
Pro-Life Ministry - Promote and support Pro-Life issues through information and events.
RCIA - Prepare and educate adults who are studying to become Roman Catholic.
Saint Vincent DePaul Society – Provide practical help to needy families, & meet to pray as a group.
Seniors Club - Promote social activities and friendships which support the spiritual and emotional well-being of its members.
Southtowns Catholic School - A Catholic Community which provides a faith-based education with Catholic virtues and Gospel values. The faculty and families, together with the St. John Paul II Parish Community, strive for excellence as we educate the leaders of tomorrow academically, spiritually and socially, developing each student to their fullest potential.
Transportation Committee - Give rides to Mass for those parishioners who cannot drive.
Ushers - Take up collections, organize presentation of the gifts, and pass out bulletins and other duties on a regular basis at a specific weekend Mass.
Visitor To Sick & Homebound - Visit elderly and infirmed parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. Also share the Eucharist if you are a trained Eucharistic Minister.
Wedding Ministry - Provide assistance to bridal parties at rehearsals, and offer support to guests.
Altar Servers - Perform supporting tasks at the altar during Mass.
Bedside Mercy Ministry: Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the bedside of the sick.
Bereavement - Assist in funeral planning with bereaved families, attend the funeral, and participate in annual Mass of Remembrance.
Boy Scout Ministry, Troop 591 -Serve others; help to instill values based on the Scout Oath and Law in young men ages 11-18, and prepare them to make ethical choices to achieve their full potential.
Building and Grounds - Periodically work on maintenance of grass, flowers & shrubs surrounding church & shrine.
Coffee & Donuts Social - Promote fellowship by setting up for Coffee & Donuts social on Sunday mornings on a rotating schedule; includes picking up donuts at Tops, setup & cleanup.
Cub Scout Ministry, Troop 591 - It is the mission of the Cub Scouts through Boy Scouts of America to serve others by helping to instill values in boys and girls ages 5-10, and to prepare them to make ethical choices during their lifetime in achieving their full potential. The values we strive to instill are based on those found in the Scout Oath and Law.
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy - Cenacle meetings 2x’s per month to read scripture, the Catechism, SJPII’s Encyclical “Rich in Mercy”, the Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, and to pray.
Eucharistic Ministers - Serve as Ministers of Holy Communion at Masses on a regular schedule.
Evangelization Committee - Plan and sponsor activities to welcome new families & reach out to the unchurched and to non-practicing Catholics.
Faith Formation – Serve as a catechist in our weekly Faith Formation program for Kindergarten-Grade 5 (Sunday AM), Grade 6-8 (Tuesday PM), or Grade 9-10 (Sunday PM). Be instrumental in helping our children and teens to grow in faith and knowledge of our Church’s teaching and tradition, and to prepare for the sacraments. Come and help us make disciples!
Greeters - Greet & welcome before Masses.
Haiti Outreach Ministry - Members hold a basket before Masses the 1st weekend of every month, on a rotating basis, to receive donations to be sent to our sister parish in Marbial, Haiti.
Healing Hearts Ministry - Host a Friendship Coffee Hour last Wednesday of each month for anyone who has suffered a loss in their life.
Heart To Heart Ministry - Meet 1st Saturday of the month to crochet and knit shawls and lap blankets for parishioners in need of our prayers.
Holy Name Society - Confraternity for lay men, religious and clergy. Promotes devotion and reverence to the Holy Name of God and Jesus to help members grow in holiness, faith and spirituality, and to obtain personal salvation.
Ladies of Charity - Meet once a month to make quilts and lap-robes. Also, collect household items to assist the ministry of Diocesan Ladies of Charity.
Lawn Fete - Help plan and implement the various facets of the Annual Lawn Fete.
Lectors - Serve as Minister of the Word at Mass on a regular schedule.
Little Flower Ministry – Prepare floral arrangements to be delivered to the sick and homebound.
Men’s Prayer Group: Meets one Saturday morning per month for men to gather and pray together
Mission - A week-long Lenten Parish Retreat open to all. Mission is planned and conducted by those who have already made Mission.
Music Ministry - Rehearse and sing/play music for all weekend liturgies: Adult Ensemble, Cantors, and Instrumentalists.
Outreach Ministry: Donate time & talents in your area of expertise (e.g. legal, financial, social work) to assist families in need.
Parish Neighbors - Provide food and / or serve at Funeral Breakfasts.
Parish Vegetable Garden - Plant, maintain and harvest produce, which is donated to the local food pantry (OGN) to be given to our neighbors in need.
Prayer Groups - Small group of neighbors who gather together at a convenient time to pray.
Pre-Baptism Classes - Prepare parents for the baptism of their infant.
Pro-Life Ministry - Promote and support Pro-Life issues through information and events.
RCIA - Prepare and educate adults who are studying to become Roman Catholic.
Saint Vincent DePaul Society – Provide practical help to needy families, & meet to pray as a group.
Seniors Club - Promote social activities and friendships which support the spiritual and emotional well-being of its members.
Southtowns Catholic School - A Catholic Community which provides a faith-based education with Catholic virtues and Gospel values. The faculty and families, together with the St. John Paul II Parish Community, strive for excellence as we educate the leaders of tomorrow academically, spiritually and socially, developing each student to their fullest potential.
Transportation Committee - Give rides to Mass for those parishioners who cannot drive.
Ushers - Take up collections, organize presentation of the gifts, and pass out bulletins and other duties on a regular basis at a specific weekend Mass.
Visitor To Sick & Homebound - Visit elderly and infirmed parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. Also share the Eucharist if you are a trained Eucharistic Minister.
Wedding Ministry - Provide assistance to bridal parties at rehearsals, and offer support to guests.